BlitzPlus provides developers with a complete 2D programming solution for the PC. Utilizing a BASIC/C hybrid language for use with its compiler, BlitzPlus is capable of creating any type of 2D program, with minimal development-time and with minimal hassle. Just run the included IDE (or use one of your own), type your code and your Windows executable file will be created, ready to be run on any computer running Windows 95/NT 4 or later.
BlitzPlus' language is a BASIC/C hybrid. As well featuring the classic BASIC constructs such as goto and gosub, it also features C influences such as functions and types. On top of this, BlitzPlus' command set features over 500 commands. This command set is highly streamlined meaning complete programs require very few lines of code indeed.
BlitzPlus' 2D engine is based on 'pure' 2D blitting operations, as opposed to 'fake' 3D ones. This has the combined benefit of allowing for pixel-perfect graphics, as well as allowing for compatibility with virtually all graphics cards, 2D or 3D. The 2D engine itself is highly capable, with the capability of performing thousands of blitting operations per second.